100 days
Well, I am down to 100 days until market. My pile of projects is quickly becoming a mountain! Whew! I can’t believe how fast the time flies.
100 posts
Another 100 is rapidly approaching. My 100th post! I have some big surprises in store, plus some fun things to give away. You will want to be here for that.
100 degrees
Well, it’s close anyway. And add to that 100 reasons to eat ice cream. One reason for each degree.
100 yards of fabric (I wish)
Doesn’t that sound great? What would you pick? I don’t know if I would know where to start, but I am sure that it would be at Michael Miller. LOVE their stuff. How about you? I bet I have that much in my stash, though. I refuse to cut into so much of it because I love it too much. Isn’t that ridiculous? What do you have that you won’t cut into?
Oh, man, 100 yards... I would start with some Darla... some Sweet... and Swell if I could still find some... and some Ava Marie... some Hello Betty... Can I have 1000 yards? (I think I already have over 100 yards in just fabric, but not all of it is to my taste anymore, plus then I have a whole cabinet full of vintage sheets. And there's a LOT in there... probably 40 sheets?)
So anyway, then I want a whole pile of red with white polka dots. Like a whole bolt of it. I think that is going to be my new neutral. Red with white polka dots= white.
Oh! The cutting thing- I had a piece of vintage fabric that I saved for YEARS waiting for the perfect project, and now I finally used it in a quilt, and it didn't even kill me to cut it. It may have cause a little anguish, but I survived. Now it's in a quilt top and if I ever quilted the dang thing, I could put it on my bed and look at it every day. :0)
I say- cut it all up! Make room for more! LOL!
I would love the 100 yards of fabric. i dont want to cut into my jelly rolls
would it be one hundred yards of one fabric, or could we have several cuts add up to 100...i might pick portabella pixie fabrics....but it would have to be mulled over a bit :)
oh what a dream that would be to have 100 yards of fabric!?! I am hording MoMo's Wonderland... I just love it so!
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