
And the best day award goes to….

Car windows down.  Cool breeze in my hair.  Great song on the radio.  Two big bags of neatly folded fabric, fresh from the quilt store on my front seat.  A new purse and two new pairs of shoes in the back seat.  Ahhhh….life is good!  I try to not be materialistic, but honestly.  Sometimes it just feels good to shop!

red shoes 2 purse 1 zebra shoes 1

My mom recently went to a get together where they had to bring their favorite pair of shoes and tell why they were their favorite.  I have thought about that many times since.  Which are my favorites?  Could I really choose just one pair?  The fact of the matter is that I couldn’t.  Each pair of shoes represents a different side of me or a different role that I play.  If I chose one, wouldn’t I be choosing which part of my life is my favorite?  I just can’t do it.  All of the shoes that I wear come together to create me!  I am cute, athletic, comfortable, sexy, outdoorsy, and easy going (I think that’s what a flip flop would be) all in one person.  So  maybe I would have to settle for my favorite shoes THAT DAY.  I think I could do that.  Today my favorites are the red heels.  I love the promise that they hold of a sexy date with my hubby. 

red shoes 1

What are your favorite shoes today?


Amanda Lee said...

i have the same shoes in white

Judi said...

I wish I had cool shoes like that! I love your posts Amanda, they are so fun to read!

Michelle Wilkes said...

please tell me where you got the red shoes!
my favorite shoes are my chocolate brown sandals