
And the winner is….

What a weekend!  I can’t believe how fast the most loved days of the week pass.  I feel like they just started and they are already over.  If  I were going to do a post about things that I hate (which I am not) Sunday  night would be somewhere near the top of the list.  I do not like good things to come to an end.  A lot of good things end on Sunday nights…weekends, vacations, summer.  I don’t like the dread of Sunday night. 

BUT… I did have a fabulous weekend.  It was full of ballet recitals (2 times!!), birthday parties and FAST jets.  We went to the air show at Hill Air Force Base in Layton, Utah.  That is where I met my hubby 12 years ago.  I have not been back since we moved away 5 years ago.  I have really missed the sound of the jets flying over our house.  I have really really missed the military police in their berets, the pilots in their flight suits and the smell of patriotism in the air.  It is another world there.  It takes getting used to, however, and I was never really comfortable as a “military wife”.  A little too much protocol for me.  Never the less, it was fantastic to be back.  I loved seeing my hubby grin from ear to ear.  He still loves all of it and I had to make sure that we steered clear of anywhere they were recruiting.  My son loved it, too.  Part of me (maybe 20%?) would love for him to be a military man like his daddy.  I am glad the rest of me seems to have some sanity left.

truman air force 3

truman air force 1

Enough about me.  You want to know who won a whole-lotta-patterns?  Matthews family blog…I think your name is Susan???…come on down!  You are the proud quilting owner of each one of my current patterns.  That is over $100 in patterns!!! Wow!

I will be starting a new giveaway tomorrow, so stop back by and get in on the next one.  I would tell you what I am going to give away, but I don’t know yet.  You will have to come see!

Happy quilting…Sunday night is almost over….

P.S.  I joined Facebook this weekend.  I have resisted, but the force was too strong. 

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