
Keep Moving Forward

Sometimes when I have a bad day it is easy to look at only the bad stuff and not the good stuff.  Pretty typical, I am sure.  I really love being a pattern designer, but there are some pretty tough things that come along with the job.   Just like every other job in the world.  Yesterday, when I was having one of the difficult  moments, Mr. Fish reminded me of a line from one of our favorite movies.  The movie is Meet the Robinsons and it is a Disney animated picture.  If you haven’t seen it, I would highly recommend it.  Even if you don’t have young kids!  Anyway, they use the line a bunch in the movie and at the end they show a quote by Walt Disney that includes the same words….keep  moving forward.  Isn’t that a great quote?  He was such a remarkable man.  So full of creativity and ingenuity.  I bet he had bad days, too. 

So today is a new day.  AND I have already had some really exciting things happen.  I can’t wait to share with you but I will have to wait just a little longer…..

I hope that all of you have a wonderful day today!  And if you don’t, just remember to keep moving forward.


Judi said...


I have those days all the time, like, I want success and I want it now! But, I tell you that quote is awesome, I love that movie, I watch it all the time with the kids and I cry every time Louis ends up with his cute parents. I hope the day goes better for you and I wish you all the success in the world, when you are famous, don't forget me okay!

Tiffany said...

Love your stuff...super cute! Hope your day get's better!

ezeldabeth said...

another movie quote that we use around here sometimes.... "just keep swimming, just keep swimming...what do we do, we swim?" ...

i was going to email you, but i couldn't find a "contact" link ... i'm having some trouble finding your patterns to look at, would you please point me in the right direction? I've tried your buttons, but they don't seem to go where i think i am going. :(

Anonymous said...

I am totally going to be singing that all day! That is one of the most quoteable movies. We say things from that movie every day!

I am in the process of getting my website set up, so I don't have one to send you to right now. The best way to look at my patterns is to click on the pictures/slide show and that will take you to flikr where you can click on my photostream and see each one individually. If you are interested in purchasing let me know where you are located and I can possibly direct you to a store nearby. If not we will figure out a different way to get you what you want!

My e-mail is TheQuiltedFish@gmail.com.

Thanks for your interest in my patterns!