
Band-aids and bows

Remember when this was the biggest drama in your life??  How many Band-Aids you had?  She definitely holds the record in our house.   Poor thing skidded down the driveway.  Got her hands and her forehead, too.

bandaid princess

I must report that I have spent at least an hour sewing every day until today!  I have made skirts for the twins and almost finished the remaining duvet cover.  It feels great!  I have been thinking a lot lately about new years resolutions and about how a year is just too long to make a resolution for.  So, I am all about mid-year resolutions.  Here are mine….

1. You know this one…spend at least 1 hour a day sewing

2. Lose weight.  Yep, this one works for mid-year as well as new year.

3. Don’t sweat the small stuff so much.

4. Have more fun with my kids.

5. Spend less money (except on fabric).

6. Read a book.  I would be fine if I just finished one this year.  I love to read, but I don’t put any time into it.  I have one book that I want to read, so I think this needs to be on the list.

7. Hug Mr. Fish more often.  He does like it, you know.

Maybe I can accomplish some of these things.  Who knows, maybe even all? Dare I hope?

What are your mid-year resolutions?


Michelle Wilkes said...

I'm going to shoot for one hour of sewing a week!
Ok- I have two BIG quilts that I need to finish by the end of this year. One of them I am HAND QUILTING (I know, I'm crazy!) So I guess that means I need to watch more movies so I can sit still long enough to work on it!

Cheryl said...

Great resolutions! All do able and very valueable things! Your priorities are in the right place!!!

Becky said...

Thanks for posting your mid-year resolutions! I especially like the one about giving your DH more hugs. I'm putting that on my list. My hubby is wonderful. but sometimes neglected.