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Few! What a week! I have to say that as far as weeks go, this was not it my top 10. I am glad to see it drawing to a close. One big stress left for today. A birthday party for my hubby starting in 7 minutes. I am excited to see my friends and even more excited to get in bed after. I just have to cook for 8 adults and 7 children. (Deep sigh.) I am really hoping that next week is full of happy days and lots of time for creating. Not just for me, but for you, too! There hasn’t been any time to create anything in the last week. I think that is what is really missing for me right now. I need the soothing chugging sound of my sewing machine. The comfort of a pencil in my hand. Sounds good, eh?
What does it for you? What grounds you and takes you to your happy place? I want to know!
Other than sewing I like to just spend time with my family. Tonight we all watched a movie together and cuddled. It was "sew" nice.
All I need to do is step away from the computer so I can get some sewing done.
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