
Sew organized??

New give away starting today!!  Read about it later on in the post!

Today I am having a hard time getting any work done.  I think it may be because I can’t find a clean spot to work at.  Things have been SO busy at the maison de poisson (house of fish) that I haven’t been able to get organized.  There are piles and papers and fabric everywhere.  It is like a quilting bomb went off.  This is not like me, really.  I promise!  I am usually an organized person.  Oh, how I long for organization.  So here is  my question to you…are you sew organized (like I really want to be right now) or sew messy (as I currently am)?  If you are organized, I want to know more!  What is your favorite organizational tool?  Inspire me, people.  I need help!

Give away details:

It will run all week.  The winner will be announced on Sunday evening.  You can leave a comment on any post for THIS week and be entered to win.  You will be entered for one comment per post.  Comment on every day’s post and be entered that many times.  Make sense?  What will you win?

This super cute (and very functional) Quilted Fish bag!  What will it have in it?  Patterns and treats!

fish bag

So comment away!


Unknown said...

Well I am not SEW organized. My room too looks like it may have had a minor explosion. To remedy this, each day I spend about 30 minutes trying to pick up a little. Just pick a few piles and sort it out. The idea is eventually the piles will go away--it hasn't worked yet, but I am making headway! Does that count?

I got a back of the door multi hook hanger for the many totes that were on the floor. That is the best idea I have had recently in organization. Get it off the floor and behind the door-no one will see it! Not sure if this helps and the bag is cute, but I am sure I don't need another tote- painfully obvious now huh!
Toodles- kari

Becky said...

My friends would laugh if they knew I was giving organization tips. In my sewing room, the large ziplock bags are a life-savior. I think they are the 2 or 3 galloon size. I buy them at Target. An entire project fits in one of the bags. I "try" to put everything in the bag when I move onto another project.

Just found your blog. Love the Bewitched pattern.

Elizabeth said...

I've not very organized. I just moved (well, in August) and I now have a huge laundry room with a built in counter and desk. I use the desk for sewing and the counter for cutting. I have lots of cupboards for fabric, but I tend to leave stuff out way too long so it's easy access. I'd love any tips myself!

~Laurie~ said...

I'm just a little organized - kind of like half and half - like Donny and Marie! The things that help me the most are clear plastic tubs -small for small stuff like ribbon and larger for scraps. They have to be clear so you can see what is in them - otherwise you just have a bunch of tubs! Good luck - let us know what you end up doing to create a little less chaos!! I need all the advice I can get too!

JennyLyn said...

I am half organized half mess. hehe I get all my stuff out to sew something then move on and pull out something else. Now I have piles all over of things I want to do! Plan and simple it is a mess around here with piles everywhere!

Lori said...

I am "organizing". I have a small workroom. And I mean small, so it gets messy real fast. I couldn't do it without bins and my label maker. I put all my buttons by color in old recycled glass food and jam jars. My rulers hang on the wall as do my scissors and my cutting mats hang also (just hole punch them).
I like to print out tutorials and ideas from the web (so I don't forget where I saw a fun idea) I got binders and I three hole punch them and organize them along with a plastic sleeve (for any pattern pieces after I use them)
Thank you for the giveaway.

Gayle said...

I'm afraid I am of the sew messy persuasion! Wish I could be different, but I think we creative types just have to learn to live with it. In spite of the mess, I know exactly where everything is and I can find it in a heartbeat!

Anonymous said...

My favorite tip is to be able to have your very own space where you can be creative. I have taken over the fourth bedroom in my home and love being able to go in at any time and make some happiness.

I also love my new closet in the room - I have clear bins with drawers where I can see all of my projects and fabric collections.

Jackie's Stitches said...

I try to be organized but I'm not. Nothing is messier than sewing! I do, however, clean up once a week. The rest of the time, it can be anywhere!

Michelle Wilkes said...

Hi! I just found your blog- my dad (Bruce Sullivan)who knows your husband sent it to me.
I have this same dilemma! I guess I am the Sew Messy type. I claim that it's not my fault. In the 5 years we've been in this house, my "sewing room" has changed locations about 8 times! At one point or another it has been in each of the 4 bedrooms (including the master bedroom)! We are constantly making room for my husbands 8 brothers and 4 sisters who take a turn living with us and working for my husband.
I always tell my quilters guild that I spend more time moving my sewing room, than sewing!!!
We have decided that the formal dining room should now become the permanent home of my sewing room.
But, I have been dragging my feet about moving into it, because it is an OPEN space that can been seen from so many rooms and I don't like my clutter/mess to be seen so much!!!
Right now I am refinishing my Grandma's china hutch, which will store my fabrics and some other supplies, but what should I do about the cutting table, ironing board (a must), rulers, etc.?
I'm open for ideas (and I'd love to make room for your giveaways!)

suz said...

I'm sorta organized. The best thing I learned was using my 6: wide omnigrid ruler to fold my fabric - it all is the same size and easier to stack. I've also stopped using plastic bins (the smell gets into my fabric) and have slowly been getting canvas boxes with an attached lid from the Container Store-my fabrics are away from the sun and the boxes have a space for a label. I also keep WIPS in pretty covered boxes from The Christmas Tree Shoppe or open canvas boxes from the Container Store and IKEA. I have an old bureau that is missing the top drawer but each drawer had a shelf under it so things didn't fall out into the drawer below. I keep all my embellishments, beads, buttons, etc. in baskets there. Of course, my craft stuff is a disaster, but that's a whole other story!

Renee G said...

I make myself be SEW organized, but it doesn't come easily to me. However, the handiest tool that I have to help me get organized is a dymo label maker. I love using it and I love sorting all my crafty stuff into clear plastic boxes and then labeling away.


Carole said...

I love the cute boxes you can find at places like Tuesday Morning. Since you can't see into them, I invested in a labelmaker fo elastic,trims, etc.

My problem is what to do with scraps which are smaller than fat quarters, but larger than, say 2-inch squares,which live in one of the cute boxes.

Any ideas out there?