
What makes you special

Someone asked me today to figure out "what makes me special". An interesting question, don't you think? How do you answer that? I am not sure. I have been thinking about it all day long trying to figure out how I am different. We each have something special about us. Something unique and different that sets us apart. Have you figured out what it is about you? So here's the deal. While I am waiting for your fish faces (fingers tapping on desk) lets have another contest. Leave me a comment about what is different about YOU and I will put your name in for a drawing for a complete set of Quilted Fish patterns. Another set just like the ones I am giving away for the fish faces. That is over $100 in patterns! So send me your faces or leave me your comment or both.


Elizabeth said...

What makes me special? Well.. the latest thing is that we just adopted a baby a little less than a month ago. This is our third child and our third adoption. Because of this I am passionate about adoption. I love volunteering with Families Supporting Adoption and supporting other couples as they make the adoption journey.

Kathy said...

Hey, I love adoption too and because of that I got to raise three separate families. Does that count? ;)

mouse said...
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mouse said...

Hm...I am special because I'm really good at looking at things and figuring out whether they will fit into a given container/space ;) It comes in handy for packing suitcases and putting leftovers into appropriately sized containers. I think of it as practical Tetris. I also do like making fish faces, but don't have a digital camera handy, unfortunately, so here is a digital fish face for you (sort of anyway!) My first attempt didn't work very well :P

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Seth, Sarah and the kids said...

That is such a hard question to answer....I suppose being kind and sarcastic (all in the same breath would be considered special?!) :)
I have a sense of humor....how about that?